Saturday, May 24, 2008

New words

I babysat my 15 1/2 month old niece tonight- she's definately a busy girl. She's picked up a TON of new words this month. Tonight I heard the most of "hi," "no," "mine," and "meow." I think she also told me "nothing" at one point when I asked what she was doing.

The picture above was taken in February- she is hiding under the apron of my 1840's dress.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

random stuff

Babies! two new texel litters born this week.

Texel pups born on 5/12/08

Texel Pups Born on 5/10/08

And some weaving


It's only about 3" wide, threaded as an 8 harness rosepath, the treadles are tied like a twill, but it's woven as an overshot....